Our Work Continues
Restoration involves supporting residents as they transition back into society and establish themselves in the workplace. Case management continues through the restoration phase, working weekly with each client to evaluate progress on established short- and long-term goals.
In the 6 months prior to graduation New Life Program members are actively involved with a case manager. Program graduates are encouraged to transition out of the mission only when they have financial stability and a strong support system in place.

After Care Program
Transition away from TCUGM is a critical time for clients. The Mission’s goal is that those in transition never feel alone. The Mission’s After Care Program provides those transitioning out with basic household items as needed. Those in transition are always welcome to take advantage of our weekly community food box give-away program. Another key component in successful transition is relationship. This is the reason residents are highly encouraged to be involved in a caring church family all along the journey. Additionally, case managers check in regularly for a year after residents are no longer at the facility.